You’ve heard them before. Those repetitive eye exam questions. “Which is better? One or two?” And you think, “This must be important. What if I get it wrong? Wait! Let me see number one again!” Seriously, is this still how we do eye exams today, by trial and error? The answer is, not anymore … thanks to Clarifye – the digital eye exam that shows you more…
With Clarifye we are able to map the unique “fingerprint” of your eyes with digital precision, pinpointing the exact prescription you need for optimal vision.
Eye doctors use advanced digital eye exam technology to map your eye and the determine your vision prescription for glasses or contacts with incredible accuracy. During your eye exam, we do a comprehensive assessment of your eye health. Clarifye helps identify conditions such as macular degeneration, cataracts, diabetes and other health issues, earlier than any other diagnostic tools, to help protect your precious sight with preventative eye care. With the information from Clarifye, we can correct for common night vision issues like glare, starbursts and halos around on-coming headlights, making night driving safer and less stressful for your eyes.
We will review your Clarifye advanced digital images of your eye together with you for a comprehensive assessment of your eye health and vision. As your eye doctors, we will provide digitally precise prescription advice about your eyewear and lenses customized for your lifestyle needs. We will also recommend important steps you should take to protect your sight for the long term.
Dr. Espejo and Associates, are proud to offer this amazing new technology to our patients at our office. Exclusively at Lenscrafters.
*DISCLAIMER: For consumers who are diagnosed with clean visual systems or low levels of higher order aberrations.
**DISCLAIMER: “Clarifye is available at LensCrafters in states where LensCrafters employs doctors or at the independent doctor of optometry at or next to LensCrafters who utilize the Clarifye eye exam experience. In California, eye exams are available at LensCrafters locations from licensed optometrist employed by EYEXAM of California, a licensed vision health care service plan. The optometrists are not employed by LensCrafters, which do not provide eye exams.”