Eye Emergency

An eye emergency is any event where your eyesight is at risk. These events require prompt treatment in order to prevent vision loss. We are fully equipped to provide similar medical services to a walk-in clinic or hospital emergency room.

Eyes are sensitive organs, and in the event of an emergency, it is always better to be safe than sorry. In most cases of vision loss, once it has occurred it cannot be reversed. This means that prevention and preservation are priority.

A complete evaluation of your eye is essential after any type of eye injury. Anyone who sustains a serious injury to the eye, including blunt injuries, should be seen as soon as possible.

If you feel you have an eye emergency, please telephone so we can schedule you appropriately or advise you on what steps to take. If one of our doctors is not immediately available to assist or direct you, report to the nearest emergency room.

Dr. Louis A. Espejo & Associates have therapeutically trained optometrist who are available for all your eye care needs.